

This project should help maintainers reduce toil and save time in the release process by enforcing best practices to:

  • Automate a changelog for every release

  • Verify the install and import of dist asset(s)

  • Commit a message with hashes of dist file(s)

  • Annotate the git tag in standard format

  • Create a GitHub release with changelog entry

  • Forward port changelog entries into default branch

  • Dry run publish on CI

  • Revert to Dev version after release (optional)


We strive to use the most secure release practices possible, reflected in the Checklist for Adoption and the example workflows. This includes using PyPI Trusted Publishing, using GitHub Environments, encouraging the use of Rulesets and GitHub Apps with limited bypass capability, and provenance data for npm. In addition, there is an automatic check for whether the user who triggered the action is an admin.

Action Details#

Detailed workflows are available to draft a changelog, draft a release, publish a release, and check a release.

Prep Release Action#

  • Inputs are the target repo, branch, and the version spec

  • Bumps the version

    • By default, uses hatch, tbump or bump2version to bump the version based on presence of config files

      • We recommend hatch for most cases because it is very easy to set up.

  • Prepares the environment

    • Sets up git config and branch

  • Generates a changelog (using github-activity) using the PRs since the last tag on this branch.

    • Gets the current version and then does a git checkout to clear state

    • Adds a new version entry using a HTML comment markers in the changelog file

    • Optionally resolves meeseeks backport PRs to their original PR

  • Creates a Draft GitHub release with the changelog changes and an attached metadata.json file capturing the inputs to the workflow.

Populate Release Action#

  • Input is typically the URL of the draft GitHub Release created in the Prep Release workflow, or no input to use the most recent draft release.

  • Fetches the metadata.json file and the changelog entry from the draft release.

  • Prepares the environment using the same method as the changelog action

  • Bumps the version

  • For Python packages:

    • Builds the wheel and source distributions if applicable

    • Makes sure Python dists can be installed and imported in a virtual environment

  • For npm package(s) (including workspace support):

    • Builds tarball(s) using npm pack

    • Make sure tarball(s) can be installed and imported in a new npm package

  • Adds a commit that includes the hashes of the dist files

  • Creates an annotated version tag in standard format

  • If given, bumps the version using the post version spec. he post version spec can also be given as a setting, Write Releaser Config Guide.

  • Verifies that the SHA of the most recent commit has not changed on the target branch, preventing a mismatch of release commit.

  • Pushes the commits and tag to the target branch

  • Pusehes the created assets to the draft release, along with an asset_shas.json file capturing the checksums of the files.

Finalize Release Action#

  • Input is the url of the draft GitHub release from the Populate Release action.

  • Downloads the dist assets from the release

  • Verifies shas of release assets against the asset_shas.json file.

  • Publishes assets to appropriate registries.

  • Publishes the final GitHub release

  • If the tag is on a backport branch, makes a forwardport PR for the changelog entry

Typically the Populate Release action and Finalize release action are run as part of the same workflow.

Check Release Action#

  • Runs on CI in the target repository to verify compatibility and release-ability.

  • Runs the Draft Changelog and Draft Release actions in dry run mode

  • Publishes to the local PyPI server and/or dry-run npm publish.

  • Does not make PRs or push git changes