Convert a Repo to Use Releaser from Releaser#

Follow the steps below to convert a repository to use Jupyter Releaser for releases, where maintainers make releases from a fork of Jupyter Releaser.


See checklist below for details:

  • Markdown changelog

  • Bump version configuration (if using Python), for example tbump

  • Access token with access to target GitHub repo to run GitHub Actions.

  • Access token for the PyPI registry

  • If needed, access token for npm.

Checklist for Adoption#

A. Prep the jupyter_releaser fork:

  • Clone this repository onto your GitHub user account.

  • Add a GitHub personal access token with access to target GitHub repo to run GitHub Actions, saved as ADMIN_GITHUB_TOKEN in the repository secrets. The token will need “public_repo”, and “repo:status” permissions.

  • Set up PyPI:

Using PyPI token (legacy way)
  • Add access token for the PyPI registry stored as PYPI_TOKEN. Note For security reasons, it is recommended that you scope the access to a single repository, and use a variable called PYPI_TOKEN_MAP that is formatted as follows:


    If you have multiple Python packages in the same repository, you can point to them as follows:

Using PyPI trusted publisher (modern way)
  • Set up your PyPI project by adding a trusted publisher

    • if you use the example workflows, the workflow name is publish-release.yml (or full-release.yml) and the environment should be left blank.

  • Ensure the publish release job as permissions: id-token : write (see the documentation)

  • If needed, add access token for npm, saved as NPM_TOKEN.

If you want to set provenance on your package, you need to ensure the publish release job as permissions: id-token : write (see the documentation).

B. Prep target repository:

  • Switch to Markdown Changelog

    • We recommend MyST, especially if some of your docs are in reStructuredText.

    • Can use pandoc -s changelog.rst -o and some hand edits as needed.

    • Note that directives can still be used

  • Add HTML start and end comment markers to Changelog file - see example in (view in raw mode)

  • We recommend using hatch for your build system and for version handling.

    • If previously providing version_info like version_info = (1, 7, 0, '.dev', '0'), use a pattern like the one below in your version file:

import re
from typing import List

# Version string must appear intact for hatch versioning
__version__ = "6.16.0"

# Build up version_info tuple for backwards compatibility
pattern = r"(?P<major>\d+).(?P<minor>\d+).(?P<patch>\d+)(?P<rest>.*)"
match = re.match(pattern, __version__)
assert match is not None
parts: List[object] = [int(match[part]) for part in ["major", "minor", "patch"]]
if match["rest"]:
version_info = tuple(parts)
  • If you need to keep node and python versions in sync, use hatch-nodejs-version. See nbformat for example.

  • Add a GitHub Actions CI step to run the check_release action. For example:

- name: Check Release
  uses: jupyter-server/jupyter_releaser/.github/actions/check-release@v2
    token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
  • This should be run on push and pull request events. You can copy the check-release.yml from this repo as an example.

  • If you would like the release assets to be uploaded as artifacts, add the following step after the check_release action:

- name: Upload Distributions
  uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2
    name: jupyter-releaser-dist-${{ github.run_number }}
    path: .jupyter_releaser_checkout/dist
  • Add a workflow that uses the enforce-label action from jupyterlab/maintainer-tools to ensure that all PRs have on of the triage labels used to categorize the changelog.

  • Update or add that describes the onboarding and release process, e.g. jupyter_server.

Release Workflow#

  • Set up a fork of jupyter-releaser if you have not yet done so.

  • Run through the release process, targeting this repo and the appropriate branch

  • Optionally add configuration to the target repository if non-standard options or hooks are needed.

  • If desired, add check_release job, changelog, and tbump support to other active release branches

  • Try out the Draft Changelog and Draft Release process against a fork of the target repo first so you don’t accidentally push tags and GitHub releases to the source repository.

  • Try the Publish Release process using a prerelease version before publishing a final version.

Backport Branches#

  • Create backport branches the usual way, e.g. git checkout -b 3.0.x v3.0.1; git push origin 3.0.x

  • When running the Publish Release Workflow, an automatic PR is generated for the default branch in the target repo, positioned in the appropriate place in the changelog.